The day
after Thanksgiving I spent with the great grandkids crafting. Even the two year old joined in and did a
great job with a little help from her mom.
We worked on
4 projects, and I have pictures of 3 and will tell you about all 4.

One thing we
made were Christmas bulbs for the tree.
We took Styrofoam balls and modge podeged them with red tissue
paper. We stuck skewers into the balls
to help facilitate even coverage of the tissue paper. We let that dry and then took glitter glue
and decorated them, then used water bottle caps with a tiny hole drilled into
them and gold cord strung through for hanging on the tree.

We also made
reindeer decorations. We used the
bottoms of 4 cup drink holders, the kind you get with take-out when you order
more than one soda drink to go. The
bottoms are shaped in a sort of tri-pod.
We painted these brown, glued on google eyes, a red button for a nose,
and a red bow. Between the “ears” we
glued pipe cleaner antlers and a gold cord for hanging.

What would
Christmas be without candles? We used
toilet paper rolls for the candle sticks, and painted them...each great
grandchild chose a different color. We
used construction paper to make “flames” and attached the “flames” inside the
tube at the top. We cut the bottoms of
the tube into tabs that were then attached to a paper plate. Rope tinsel was then used as candle rings.
Finally, I
printed out some candy canes, and then we scoured magazine pages looking for
things the color red. We cut the red
things into tiny scraps, then glued them into every-other stripe on the candy
cane, making them look like mosaic candy canes.
These we put on the fridge with magnets.
I don’t have a picture of any of the candy canes, but you probably can
imagine them from the description.
We had a lot
of fun and maybe we will make this a yearly tradition?